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Areas of Interest

Machine Learning 

My experience lies in the development of predictive models for classification, regression, and clustering tasks. Topics I enjoy learning about is optimization and hyper-parameter tuning, which helps models achieve optimal performance. 

Data Analysis

My passion and goal is to uncover meaningful insights from complex datasets to make an impact on the world around me. Utilizing programming languages such as Python and R to predict trends in data is my expertise.

Artificial Intelligence

My passion for AI lies in the realm of Genetic Algorithms, where one can explore the principles of using natural occurrences such as natural selection, genetic evolution, gene crossovers, and mutation to solve complex optimization and search problems.


Data visualization allows one to communicate ideas, trends, models, predictions, and conclusions in a universal way.  Utilizing charts, graphs, infographics, and dashboards, I can display complex ideas in a visually compelling manner. 

Other Interests

Quantum Theory

Recent research in quantum mechanics has led to many new discoveries in the field of computing.  Quantum computing, based on the principles of quantum mechanics, has the potential to revolutionize aspects of data analysis by performing certain computations much faster than classical computers. 

Mathematical Computing

My applied mathematics background has improved my proficiency in numerical methods, optimization, and mathematical modeling. With the help of computational tools, I can mathematically address real-world problems and challenges.

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